第二章 翻译
although we try our best, sometimes our paintings rarely turn out as originally planned changes in the light, the limitations of your painting materials, and the lack of experience and technique mean that what you start out trying to achieve may not e to life the way that you expected
答案:尽管全力以赴,但我们的画作有时候仍然很难呈现出最初构想的效果。 光线的变化、绘画材料的限制、经验和技法的不足意味着你最初想要达到的效果可能并不能如你所期望的那样实现 。
although this can be frustrating and disappointing, it turns out that this can actually be good for you unexpected results have two benefits: you pretty quickly learn to deal with disappointment, and realise that when one door closes, another opens you also quickly learn to adapt and e up with creative solutions to the problems the painting presents, and thinking outside the box will bee your second nature
答案:虽然这会令人沮丧和失望,但事实证明,它其实也会对你有益。意想不到的结果有两大好处:你能快速学会处理失望情绪,并认识到当一扇门关闭 时,另一扇门会敞 开 。你也能快速学会适应,并想出创造性解决办法来应对绘画中出现的问题,进而创造性思维会成为你的第二天性。
in fact, creative problem-solving skills are incredibly useful in daily life, with which you’re more likely to be able to find a solution when a problem arises